Forthcoming Publications – August 2024

On Tuesday, 27 August 2024 at 9:30 am we will be publishing the following:

Forecast Evaluation Report – A review of our forecast performance for 2023-24 and our income tax forecasts for 2022-23.

Statement of Data Needs – A report on the data we use to produce our forecasts and inform our analysis, and ways in which it could be improved.

Fiscal Update – This will consider the implications for the Scottish Government’s fiscal outlook of new information that has become available since our last set of forecasts. This new information includes outturn data for Scottish income tax in 2022-23, provisional outturn data on funding and spending in 2023-24 and changes to UK funding. It will also provide some commentary on the economic developments since our last forecasts in December 2023. The Commission has decided to publish this additional update this year to assist the Scottish Parliament in its pre-Budget scrutiny.

Autumn/Winter 2024 (date TBC) – Scotland’s Economic and Fiscal ForecastsThese forecasts are part of the Commission’s main forecast publication series and will provide new economic, tax, and social security forecasts to accompany the Scottish Government’s 2025-26 Budget announcement. The Scottish Government is expected to announce the Budget publication date in due course.
